Our Impact
Our impact on the world includes our land, our people, our communities and our products. We've made it our mission to ensure that our business consistently aligns with sustainable principles.

Responsible Packaging
Harvey Beef is a member of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia.
We're committed to APCO and the 2025 National Packaging Targets that are in line with global sustainable packaging initiatives, including updating our retail packs in Coles and Woolworths to include the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL). This is an on-pack labelling scheme that helps customers recycle correctly, and is the first of many ways we're creating low-impact packaging initiatives and technologies.

Caring for the Environment
We know that we're the stewards of the land that we operate on. With a long history and experience in farming practices that care for the animals and the land in equal measure, we are always looking for ways to improve our impact on the WA environment.
We are doing world-leading research into the surrounding animal and plant ecosystems around our Koojan Downs feeding facility and other grazing areas, and are leading the way in sequestering carbon back into the soil at Koojan Downs.
At our Harvey Processing Facility, we have installed a Covered Anaerobic Lagoon (CAL) to treat wastewater and capture biogas. The biogas is utilised in a boiler on site, reducing the facility’s dependence on natural gas requirements by approximately a third while also reducing our greenhouse gas emissions on site. The project is registered under the Australian Government’s Emission Reduction Fund and has the potential to obtain 14,000 Australian Carbon Credit Units for the next 7 years.

People Matter
Communities are made up of diverse people, which help them to thrive.
We’re investing in our people to help build vibrant and resilient agricultural communities around WA, including the support of our Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme workers for migrant workers.
A dedicated Harvey Beef team plays a crucial role in welcoming and supporting our migrant workers far beyond the workplace, from shopping, banking, medical services and joining local social clubs. We are also committed to eradicating Modern Slavery worldwide through the work of Walk Free and the Minderoo Foundation.

Animal Welfare
We always strive to produce beef that everyone can feel good about, from gate to plate.
This means minimising or eradicating as much pain and fear as possible from the lives of our cattle, to maximise positive interactions with humans and provide every animal with a life well lived. Our commitment to the happiness and health of our cattle extends to their:
Carefully formulated feed rations that are adaptable to the requirements of the animals on our grain fed program.
We maintain low stocking density at our Koojan Downs feeding facility, to give each animal access to shade and plenty of space to move around.
Providing multiple forms of pain relief if any procedures are required.
Low-stress stock handling techniques are applied throughout, with minimal interactions between people and stock to reduce stress.
Our processing facility includes sound proofing, elimination of shadows and the smell of hay to relax the cattle as they move through the race.