Salt & Pepper Beef Roast With Smoked Eggplant, Spiced Roast Cauliflower & Pomegranate Salad

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 140°C. Heat a fry pan over high heat and sear the roast beef in a little oil until golden on all sides. Transfer to a baking dish and roast slowly in the oven for approximately 30-40 minutes. Use a meat thermometer to check for medium rare (53°C internal), medium (58°C internal), or medium well (63°C internal). Rest on a cooling rack, loosely covered with foil, for 20 minutes before serving.
Step 2
Heat a BBQ grill plate to medium heat. Place the whole eggplant on the grill and allow it to cook slowly for approximately 10 minutes until black and charred on the bottom and soft on one side. Turn and continue to cook for 10 more minutes until black on the outside and soft inside. Gently remove to a plate and allow to cool. When cool, cut in half and with a spoon, scoop the soft flesh into a small blender. Blend with tahini, yogurt, lemon juice, and olive oil. Season to taste.
Step 3
Preheat the oven to 170°C. Toss cauliflower florets in a bowl with turmeric, coriander and 2 tbsp of oil. Transfer to a flat baking tray and roast in the oven for approximately 10 minutes until golden and soft. Mix with almonds, parsley, and season with sea salt.
Step 4
To serve, carve beef thinly across the grain. Spread eggplant across the plate and top with salad and beef.