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Smoked Guinness Pulled Beef Burgers just in time for St. Patrick’s Day ☘️

Slow cooking allows the connective tissue in this @harveybeefwa chuck roll to break down, resulting in succulent, melt-in-your-mouth texture and a rich beefy flavour. Check out our recipe below;

Cheat Meats
April 10, 2024

1. Lightly trim any excess silver skin and fat from the beef chuck roll.

2. Apply a generous layer of salt, cracked pepper and garlic powder to all sides.

3. Place in the smoker or oven preheated to 130C for roughly 4 hours.

4. Once the bark has set transfer to a large foil tray.

5. Pour 2 cans of Guiness beer over the beef and wrap tightly with foil.

6. Place back in the smoker and continue cooking for a further 4.5-5 hours.

7. Once the meat is probe tender and has hit an internal temp of 95C remove.

8. Allow to rest in an esky or wrap tightly in a towel for 1 hour.

9. Meanwhile prepare the Guiness BBQ Sauce in a small pot.

10. Set the pot to a simmer and add 1 can of Guinness, 1 cup barbecue sauce, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1 tbsp honey.

11. Keep mixing and allow to simmer and reduce for 15 minutes.

12. Once the sauce has thickened remove and allow to cool.

13. Remove the foil from the Chuck roll and pull in to thick chunks. Mix the pulled meat back through the liquid. 

14. Soak toasted burger bunch in to the liquid then layer with pulled beef, Guinness BBQ sauce, pickles and pickled onion.

15. Close the lid and serve straight away.

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